The Wisdom of David Whyte
A few years ago I attended a weekend-long poetry workshop with David Whyte. I was taken with his emphasis on the transformational power of hearing,
Jim Wolfson
A few years ago I attended a weekend-long poetry workshop with David Whyte. I was taken with his emphasis on the transformational power of hearing,
I’m working with a client who is anxious pretty often. I’ve given him some breathing and meditation practices to help him with this. When we got together
Are you in integrity with the agreements you have made in life? Do you DO what you SAY you will do? Make a list of the important
Fall Cleanup of Your Life by Jim Wolfson As we ready ourselves for the cooler fall weather, global uncertainty looms large. How can you reenergize and
You’re working on yourself and you know what needs to change. Maybe you even work with a therapist or coach. But months and years later, you find
Sitting in the soup of your own feelings brings healing By Jim Wolfson The second wave of this pandemic that is rolling in is bringing
F-ck You and Thank You By Jim Wolfson My father was killed by a drunk driver when I was 10 years old, leaving my 36
Build an Effective Change Structure with these Pieces By Jim Wolfson There are many people who are somehow blocked in life, are suffering or confused,
Break through your resistance to experience real transformation By Jim Wolfson Our life is generally made up of setting a structure in place to maintain
The Shamanic Practice of Raising Your Vibration and Sharing it With Others By Jim Wolfson We often go through life reacting to outside problems, and
Step into your lover, warrior, magician, and king
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Jim has brought together two tracks of learning in his work with clients. In the traditional coaching world, he is certified as a life coach and as a relationship coach. His extensive experience as a corporate leader and small business owner helps him relate to those challenges. He has also intensively studied energy medicine practices in the Peruvian and Celtic traditions to help people release old patterns and beliefs. Becoming an expert teacher of yoga, meditation and somatic movement rounded out his abilities as a healer.
Jim fluidly combines these experiences so he can coach the whole person. From ‘cash flow to spirit’, he has the ability to hold a client widely, and to focus where they seek attention and change.